ELECTRO THERAPY– Interferential Therapy, Advanced  Laser Therapy, Ultrasonic Therapy, Short Wave Diathermy, Traction-Lumbar & Cervical, TENS, Muscle Stimulator, Hot and Cold Therapy

Exercise Therapy Equipments– shoulder wheel, shoulder pulley, Ankle toe Exerciser, Knee exerciser, Ladder, weigh Cuffs and Dump Bells, Theraband, Thera balls, Dexterity control, wobble board, Gripper, Gym balls etc.

MANUAL THERAPY – Spinal mobilization and manipulation, taping, Acupuncture, strengthening exercises, Mulligan and Maitland techniques, specialized Relaxation Techniques, McKenzies  , Bobath , Passive movements, ROM exercises, Gait training,  Spasticity reducing techniques etc.

Physio-Home Care – Get physiotherapy in the comfort of your Home.